iPhone, iPad, iWatch and Mac are target devices to develop my apps
iPhone, iPad, iWatch and Mac are target devices to develop my apps

Welcome to Eduardo Develops

🎯 My goal is to develop projects in Apple ecosystem  that employ best practices and combine the use of well-established development solutions with the incorporation of the latest approaches in the field of development.

🤖 I implement the benefits of generative AI in the real applications we use in our daily lives. The integration of artificial intelligence APIs in apps allows us to enhance the capacity for learning and creativity, productivity, and previously unimaginable use cases... generating personalized and adaptive experiences for users.


Safety Stock Calculator

A supply chain companion app that calculates safety stock with precision, implementing the industry's best methods. Enjoy a seamless user experience. Boost your inventory management and safeguard your business efficiently.

Planet Quiz

An augmented reality interactive app designed to enhance children's learning experience about the Solar System. Explore the planets through captivating AR experience.


This project that connects to OpenAI using REST API to maximize the potential of generative AI models with custom prompts and model parameters for each use case.

The goal is to experiment with these use cases in this project and then export them to apps.

Prompt Creator

Prompt Creator makes prompt engineering accessible to everyone, offering best practices for optimal results and a personal library for reusable prompts management.

Productivity Wizard

Craft and customize any productivity indicator you can imagine, from dollars per hour to downloads per dollar, and everything in between. Whether you're measuring output per investment or pieces produced per dollar spent, Productivity Wizard empowers you to tailor your metrics to suit your unique needs.

But that's just the beginning. Dive into a world of data visualization and insight with our intuitive interface, where you can instantly visualize current values and track the evolutionary journey of your metrics through dynamic graphs and charts.

About Me

I am Eduardo, a skilled developer specializing in projects for the Apple ecosystem incorporating the latest innovations. With a focus on employing best practices to deliver high-quality solutions. And last but not least integrate seamlessly AI for enhanced user experiences & automate tasks.

person facing computer desktop
person facing computer desktop

Contact Me

Get in touch with me for any inquiries or project collaborations.